
The current implementation of eucalypt is available in the eucalypt project and can be installed as follows.

On macOS via Homebrew

If you use homebrew, you can install using

brew install curvelogic/homebrew-tap/eucalypt

Otherwise binaries for macOS x86_64 are available on the releases page.

No binaries are available for Apple Silicon yet.

On Linux

x86_64 binaries built in CI are available on the releases page

On Windows

Sorry, haven't got there yet. But you could try installing from source.

From source

You will need a rust installation and cargo.

Build and install should be as simple as:

cargo install --path .

Testing your installation

eu --version

...prints the version:

$ eu --version
eu - Eucalypt (Rust Impl: v0.2.0.0)


eu --help

...shows command line help:

reu 0.2.0
Option to select the command actually run

    eu [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [inputs]...

    -d, --debug             Turn on debug features
        --dump-cooked       Dump core expression once operator soup has been analysed for precedence
        --dump-desugared    Dump core expression as initially translated from syntax tree
        --dump-inlined      Dump core expression once inliner pass has run
        --dump-pruned       Dump core expression once dead ocde has been eliminated
        --dump-runtime      Dump code for runtime globals
        --dump-stg          Dump compiled STG syntax
    -n, --explain           Explain command (do not run)
    -h, --help              Prints help information
    -j                      Shortcut for `-x json``
    -l, --list-targets      List targets defined in the source
    -B, --batch             Batch mode (no .eucalypt.d)
    -Q, --no-prelude        Don't load the standard prelude
    -p, --parse             Parse only
        --quote-debug       When outputing AST or Core expressions, quote as debug print of structure
        --quote-embed       When outputing AST or Core expressions, quote-embed as eucalypt
    -S, --statistics        Print metrics to stderr before exiting
    -T, --test              Run file as test
    -v, --version           Explain command (do not run)

    -e, --evaluate <evaluate>          Expression to evaluate
    -x, --export-type <export-type>    Format to export output in (e.g. yaml, json, toml, text)
    -L, --lib-path <lib-path>...       Add directory to lib path
    -o <output>                        Output file to export to
    -t, --target <target>              Target to run (identified by target metadata in eucalypt source)

    <inputs>...    Source code / data inputs (in order)